Monday, September 30, 2019

So what exactly is sexism

Sexism is the belief that rights and roles in ones society should be governed by ones sex. Historically, sexism has been male-driven and accompanied by a belief in the inferiority of women. The new opportunities becoming available to women and men through the feminist movement will be beneficial to both. Men can become happier and more fulfilled human beings by challenging the old-fashioned rules of masculinity that embody the assumption of male superiority. Traditional masculinity includes many positive characteristics in which men take pride and find strength, but it also contains qualities that have limited and harmed hem. I strongly support the continuing struggle of women for full equality. I oppose such injustices to women as economic and legal discrimination, rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and many others. Women and men can and do work together as allies to change the injustices that have so often made them see one another as enemies. One of the strongest and deepest anxieties of many American men is their fear of homosexuality. This homophobia contributes directly to the many injustices experienced by gay, lesbian and bisexual persons, and is a debilitating restriction for many heterosexual men. We should call for an nd to all forms of discrimination based on sexual-affectional orientation, and for the creation of a gay affirmative society. The enduring injustice of racism, which like sexism has long divided humankind into unequal and isolated groups, is of particular concern to me. Racism touches all of us and remains a primary source of inequality and oppression in our society. I also acknowledge that many people are oppressed today because of their class, age, religion, and physical condition. I believe that such injustices are vitally connected to sexism, with its fundamental premise of unequal distribution of power.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Persistence Of Memory Essay

Art can be used in a number of  Ã‚   ways:   to communicate and activate persistence of memory in people. It is not only in the modern days that art is used for   communication and sensation of memory but also   in the olden times. Just to revisit the kind of writing in the olden times the cuniform way of pictures which represented actions or episodes. On seeing the pictures, one could figure out what that meant. In this, I refer to records maintained in sculptures, paintings, posters, puppets, cartons, shapes e.c.t A carving of an Ape like man could stir somebody’s memory about the early man and the evolution. Pictures drawn or painted and given the names of   some of the Medieval time inventors give   a clear picture of the type of people who lived during the time and their ways of life. This includes clothing mode of transport ( incase of a picture of an old   locomotive). The weapons they used, the houses they used to build e.t.c It is apparent that there were no cameras during those days and before   then, but artists have made things vivid for   scholars to see and figure out how things used to be in the past. Take for example, sculpture or   sculptural/ artifacts which   are all over in the   Museum and other   historic preservation sites. They are sites of   attraction to the modern generation   which   admire their beauty. They impart a lot into the minds of the viewers   and it is unlikely for one to forget what he/she has seen. Colour also has a lot of appealing before the eye of the viewer. Artist have it that different colours   stand for different meanings. For Example Red – May  Ã‚   among others things stand   for   danger Yellow for cowardice, green for peace   and e.t.c. Religious people have different   perspectives on the colours especially Christians associate red with the   blood of Jesus, black with sin and white   with glory   so you can see that colours also   form   persistent memory in people. Nowadays, political critics use cartons in the newspapers to criticize or ridicule politicians or an event they feel should not go uncommented. Cartons analysis enjoy seeing them and getting the fun of   them. You will find that with such cartons one   cannot easily forget the episode  Ã‚   displayed by the cartons. This is another artistic way of creating and maintaining memory in ones mind. Some painting works have remained in the memories of people from the time in the past   to date. If you take the impact the painting of Monalisa about   the last supper and the effect   has with   Christians today, you will marvel about   the magic it holds. Leornado Da Vincil   of Florence painted the Monalisa between 1503-08 but   although Monalisa was stolen in 1911,the effect it had on the Christians still lives today . Since copies   of it and the recreation of much more about it had   been scarred all over the world by the Christians   and the lovers of art.   Today   few makers   have produced   films which are showing   allover the world   over   his artistic   achievements. On seeing a film or paintings about the last supper, Christians are reminded a fresh in their memory of their salvation. Last supper not support   has the symbolism of Jesus giving to   his followers his body and blood in commemoration of their salvation. Educators say that seeing believes. When you watch a   film, you are not likely to forget what you have seen. So, films, play a great role in persistence memory enhancement   for it is not easy for one to forget what he has seeing in a film. The world is full of art. These artistic objects keep on recurring into   our memories when we talk about them or see similar objects. So, there   should be no   doubt that art elucidate in terms of   others and reveal about the way they see the world.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


The spread of Buddhism throughout China sparked diverse responses from many individuals. Scholars from varying backgrounds and religions had differing opinions about Buddhism and multiple factors influenced their viewpoint. Factors such as what class they are from, what religion they are, and what events are happening at the time. Documents 2 and 3 are written by Chinese scholars who are in support of Buddhism and seem to be trying to inform others of the positives of Buddhism. The authors of Documents 4 and 6 are Confucian and part of the Tang court, and because of that they are against Buddhism. Documents 1 and 5 come from Buddhists (Document 1 is supposedly the first sermon preached by the Buddha himself) who are in favor of Buddhism. Chinese scholars are intelligent and literate, causing their viewpoint to be held in high regard. Because of this, Chinese scholars may have been able to influence others opinions. This is evident in Document 2, where Chinese scholar Zhi Dun tried to calm the people of the nation down and stick to their religion even when times are hard (Asian Nomads invaded Northern China during his period). Zhi Dun may have been trying to soothe the people by emphasizing on the spiritual side of Buddhism because he didn’t want the peasants to rebel. Similar to Document 2, Document 3 features an anonymous Chinese scholar who was defending Buddhism and trying to convince people to convert. In the form of a Qamp;A session, this Chinese scholar defends Buddhism and provides answers to difficult questions such as why Buddhism was never practiced by the sages of the past and Confucius. Both Documents 2 and 3 has authors that support Buddhism and gone out of their way to promote the religion. Documents 4 and 5, in my opinion, are clearly written by biased authors who are anti-Buddhism. Han You, a leading Confucian scholar and official and the Tang imperial court, mentioned that since Buddha’s sayings contain nothing about the ancient kinds and did not follow Confucian tradition, it is an evil and later generations should be spared from this â€Å"evil†. Tang Emperor Wu in Document 6 basically reiterated on this statement. Both authors believe that the spread of Buddhism is corrupt and that it is damaging to the public. However, both authors are part of the Tang court are also Confucian, so perhaps they are trying to resist Buddhism so that the new religion won’t overpower their authority. By speaking badly of Buddhism, they might convince the public to remain with Confucianism. Documents 1 and 5 are both very interesting. In fact, Document 1 contains the first sermon preached by the Buddha himself. Document 5 is written by a Buddhist scholar who is also favored by the Tang imperial household, which is quite distinctive. These two authors are unique individuals, and both support Buddhism. However, while Zong Mi supports Buddhism, he is also open-minded and respects both Confucius and the Buddha. He refers to them as perfect sages since their teachings lead to the creation of an orderly society. He differs from the rest of scholars in that he is basically neutral and doesn’t side with one religion over another. But even though these two authors are pro-Buddhism, there is a certain â€Å"voice† missing. I think a Buddhist peasant could contribute his opinion. Since he is from a lower class, he has the perspective of the religion from a poor person’s point of view and could have different feelings about it compared to higher class people such as Zong Mi and the Buddha.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Constipation in Stroke patients Research Proposal

Constipation in Stroke patients - Research Proposal Example From this research it is clear that in the current clinical practice, chronic constipation is a frequent outcome secondary to cerebral-vascular accident leading to impaction and overflow incontinence in stroke patients. It remains poorly understood leading to complications including haemorrhoids, faecal impaction, urinary incontinence, ladder outlet, obstruction, urinary tract infection, rectal bleeding, general weakness, and psychological disorders. Constipation has cost implication in terms of hospitalisation, medications, containment, equipment and nursing time. It was observed in the clinical setting that stroke took priority and constipation was overlooked and not considered until patients developed symptoms causing confusion, distress and restlessness. Measures were not taken until patients became constipated and this had an impact on the quality of life and prolonged the hospital stay. Unfortunately constipation is often seen as less important than other conditions in general practice because it is not within an agreed management target. Patients were not assessed and an accurate history of the bowel pattern prior to admission was not obtained or established. Assessment of constipation continues to be poor, compared to other symptoms being rated as a higher priority. A full continence assessment undertaken by a competent health care professional will help to identify patient’s problem. It is important to take a good history in order to identify pertinent information which might not be apparent in a physical examination. Prevention is bette

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ethical and Legal Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical and Legal Issues - Assignment Example It is also extremely costly for the employers (Mujtaba, 2003). It is ethically sound to monitor employee’s computer activity. Most of the research done has devoted most of its time in making technological advancements, which create an efficient workplace. These advancements have revolutionized the manner in which work is carried out and the way in which employees can enhance their productivity while at work. However, these advancements have opened new opportunities and avenues for employees to misbehave. The emerging technologies have resulted in the loss of privacy. Technology has made it possible for massive volumes of data to be accessed by businesses and their employees. Employers are concerned with the misuse of information by all stakeholders of the business. Therefore, there is a need for the business to incorporate ethics training and polices in areas where information technology is present (Mujtaba, 2003). Like the workplace telephones, workplace computers and connections to internet and email systems belong to the employer and not the employee. The company has the power to set standards for the use of the equipment in the company. This is because there is some harm that can occur if there are no clear set guidelines on how the equipment should be used. An employee can misuse the company computer systems (inadvertent or advertent). For instance, companies in a quiet period before the issuance of stock are not permitted to communicate certain forms of information. When an employee sends an email, he or she can easily infringe this prohibition and therefore, instigating a company violation of Securities and Exchange Commission rules. This is just one of the harm that can lead to serious problems for the company (Gilbert, 2012). For the jewelry company, human resource policies be formulated. This is because the policies are continuing guidelines on the approach in which the organization

Quantum mechanics of atoms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Quantum mechanics of atoms - Essay Example This paper hence sets basis on the comprehensive and extensive discussion of the concepts behind this entire topic. It tries to bring out the general understanding as well as the practical application of this ultimate topic. Quantum mechanics of Atoms refers to the scientific study of smaller segments of scientific principles ascertaining on the behavioral properties of matter and their ultimate relations with energy based on the atomic scale as well as the subatomic particles [2]. The Classical physics describes energy and matter on a given scale that is recognizable to the human experiences such as the behavior regarding the astronomical bodies. It is the key element towards measurement for the greater part of the technology and modern science. However, scientists have since discovered the phenomena in both macro and micro worlds that cannot either be explained by classical physics. The Scientific Revolutions structure that often comes to terms with such limitations has led to major revolutions within the physics concept thereby creating a shift regarding the original paradigm involving the relativity theory and the quantum mechanics development [6]. This paper hence describes the way various physicists revealed various limitations of the classical physics as well as the development of the primary concepts regarding quantum concept that restored it in early 20th century decades. Quantum generally refers to the minimum quantity regarding any form of physical entity that is involved in a process of interaction. Light often behaves like particles at times and like waves in other respect. Matter thus refers to the particles including the atoms and electrons, and also tends to exhibit a wavelike behavior on the other hand. Some of the light sources that include the neon lights usually emit certain discrete light frequencies. The Quantum mechanics indicates that light as well as

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Investigating business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Investigating business - Assignment Example It set an objective to introduce the theme park’s proven chainable brands internationally, such as Legoland Discovery Centers, Madame Tussauds and SEA LIFE. By constant monitoring its visitor satisfaction, Alton Tower sets targets of delivering memorable experiences to its fans, consolidating and embracing these opportunities (Merlin Entertainment, n.d). Alton Towers is one of Merlin Entertainments brands and UK’s number one Theme Park, with the thirty- eight million visitors. This leading short break resort offers an extensive range of rides, attractions, hotels, restaurants created and served  for the whole family to have fun together. Set in five hundred acres of the Staffordshire Moorlands, it has a significant importance on the well- being of the surrounding area (Alton Towers n.d.). The company strives to create a high growth international family entertainment institution, which will be able to provide its consumers with the wide  portfolio of its services. As its objectives, Alton. It set an objective to introduce the theme park’s proven chainable brands internationally, such as Legoland Discovery Centers, Madame Tussauds and SEA LIFE. The company positions its theme parks as short break destinations, because it will optimize the market reach and use of assets. By constant monitoring its visitor satisfaction, Alton Tower sets targets of delivering memorable experiences to its fans, consolidating and embracing these opportunities (Merlin Entertainment, n.d). The organizational structure of Alton Towers as a part of Merlin Entertainment Company consists of the Board of Managers located in Luxembourg. It provides recommendations to all operating companies, including Alton Towers and also make major decisions. However, the strategic decisions on the activities of all the divisions of the Merlin Entertainment are made by the Management Committee. The company is confident enough in ability

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Descriptive Statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Descriptive Statistics - Essay Example The contention behind internal consistency checks is to ensure that the research questions produce consistent responses in the case of the respondents. It is common practice to insert similar questions in research surveys in order to gauge whether respondents answer these questions similarly (Berg, 2001). Research in marketing often entails working with a number of different variables in order to establish the relationship between such variables. Typically the data collected in order to carry out social sciences or marketing research relies in large part on quantitative research backed up by qualitative research to fill out the missing gaps. The use of large sets of quantitative data such as in the current research poses a number of problems in itself. For one thing, there are a number of variables who could be related to each other and may have an impact on the overall hypothesis. Such relationships between variables may pose strong or weak connections in one or more variables that need to be investigated. A preferred method to carry out such investigations is to use a factor analysis (Creswell, 2009) to determine the degree of correlation between various variables. Often a number of variables may be related to each other such that other variables may also exert an influence on the overall relationship. This can only be determined by utilising a proper factor analysis which may be related to but differentiated from principal component analysis (Bartholomew et al., 2008) The current research has focused on eliminating a number of problems from data collection and analysis by relying on factor analysis and internal reliability examinations. Descriptive Statistics Descriptive statistics are utilised in order to describe the major characteristics of a data set (Dodge, 2003). The contention in utilising descriptive statistics is to summarise the data set for analysis. In addition, descriptive statistics ensure that the respondents for a study all fall into the sub group being studied. For example, in the current research the aim is to describe the brand image habits and perceptions of ordinary consumers from the middle class. In this case, descriptive statistics ought to ensure that the respondents come from the middle class in large part or else the responses may be markedly different since the brand perceptions may be markedly different between consumer groups. The major descriptive statistics related to the respondents for the current research are presented in the tables provided below along with explanations. Favorite Brand: Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid APPLE 64 40.3 40.3 40.3 BLACKBERRY 19 11.9 11.9 52.2 HTC 9 5.7 5.7 57.9 LG 2 1.3 1.3 59.1 MOTOROLA 5 3.1 3.1 62.3 NOKIA 20 12.6 12.6 74.8 SAMSUNG 33 20.8 20.8 95.6 SONY ERICSSON 7 4.4 4.4 100.0 Total 159 100.0 100.0 The first issue of importance was to establish which brands consumers subscribed to in connection to the cellular phone market. A number of differen t brands are available that subscribe to the tastes of different market segments so it was important to establish how the current cellular phone market was distributed. The results from the survey indicate clearly that the largest market leader is Apple (40.3%) followed by Samsung (12.6%) although it must be recognised that the proportion of Apple users and Samsung users differs significantly. Nokia (12.6%) and BlackBerry

Monday, September 23, 2019

The effects of working night shift Research Paper

The effects of working night shift - Research Paper Example Studies provide enough evidence that adequate sleep benefits alertness, memory, problem solving capacity, overall physical and mental health, and also reduces the risk of accidents. A good sleep during night will allow us to wake up feeling refreshed. On the contrary, if sleep is deprived every part of our body and life can suffer. The jobs, relationships, productivity, health and safety are all put at risk when sleep is deprived. Night shift working can be a serious problem to health and well being of an individual. Nursing profession is a good example for shift based working. In today’s busy schedule of nurses, they often have to compromise on sleep. According to a study, nurses get an average of 6.8 hours of sleep on a working day which is far less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep. This may result in reduced vigilance, reaction time, memory, psychomotor coordination, and decision making that is of utmost importance in this profession (Stutts et al.). There are also stu dies that show that speed of mental processing slows down during the night under conditions of sleep deficiency (Monk et. al. 399-401). Interns made significantly more serious medical errors when they worked repeatedly on shifts of 24 hours compared to when they worked in shorter shifts. (Landrigan et al. 1838-1848). The results for the study by Landrigan et al. may also be extended to nurses who work overtime and commit serious medication errors. In addition to sleep deprivation, there are other problems such as finances, family life, disease, studies, parents, children, etc. that can be a major cause for stress and anxiety. And when lack of sleep combines with stress and anxiety over a period of time, many serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes etc. may occur. The major health challenges in people who work regularly during the night are due to sleep deprivation and unscheduled eating habits. Studies have identified that human body works on natu ral biological clock that is termed as Circadian Rhythms. Several physiological functions in the human body undergo natural rhythmic changes in the course of 24-hour period that are seriously disturbed in night shift workers. For instance, the heart rate and body temperature for individuals getting adequate sleep are lowest around 4:00 am and are at peak around 12:00 pm. For night shift workers, the circadian rhythms are disturbed and this can be linked to most disturbing health effects such as gastrointestinal problems, increased risk for cancer, obesity and type 2 diabetes (Baldwin and Barrett 149-155; Levi 119-136; Blask et al. 11174-11184; Arendt 10-20). Additionally, night shift working may also aggravate diseases such as diabetes mellitus, epilepsy and thyrotoxicosis (LaDOU 525-530). Studies on night shift working women showed an increased risk of breast cancer. More precisely, these women working during the nights have 60 percent higher chances of developing breast cancer whe n compared to other women. The reason for this is linked with the production of a hormone Melatonin that occurs during the night and there is a lack of this hormone in night shift working women. Additionally, problems such as irregular menstrual cycles and pain during menstrual periods are also high in these women. There are also problems such as higher risk of spontaneous abortions, low fertility, delayed fetal development, premature delivery and low birth weight faced by women who work during the night (OHCOW 1-6). Night shift working people are

Saturday, September 21, 2019

ISO 9000 Essay Example for Free

ISO 9000 Essay According to Barnes F. and Wade J. , ISO 9000 is an appropriate guideline that can be used by management to attain a comprehensive model for quality management systems in order to operate effectively in today’s competitive market environment. Whenever an individual or an entity is considering the adoption of something original, it is always advisable to refer to useful guidelines that can aid in the initial actions to implement such new procedure. In this respect, ISO 9000, due to its vast and detailed coverage of quality processes and procedures, it can be considered as the initial step in adopting quality measures in the organization. ISO 9000 can thus be the yardstick that management could use in a number of quality aspects, such as: †¢ Documented processes to ensure quality documents in the firm. †¢ Key points are established on each procedure that demand monitoring and measurement to guarantee that quality is maintained in all stages of the process. †¢ Suppliers are selected meticulously and materials received are inspected thoroughly to make certain that adequate material quality is inputted in the manufacturing process. Determination of skills required for each job to adopt apposite training and ensure appropriate effectiveness and efficiency. †¢ During new product development, all stages are properly planned and tested to keep up a good level of product standard. To attain the ISO 9000, the organization is audited by an external certification body and through internal staff trained for this process. It thus ensures that appropriate quality systems are developed and maintained in the organization. This will help the firm to be competitive and create and sustain a good brand image.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Stranger, Albert Camus

The Stranger, Albert Camus The Stranger, Albert Camus reader gluing book is all about an inane activities of Meursault the protagonist. The setting of this book is in Algiers; in the beginning of this wonderful novel we encounter the death of Maeursaults mother in Marengo. The author of this book wrote it in the first person style thus allowing the reader to view Meursault to be the sole individual that propels all the unfolding in the novel. For this matter, the author relays sequence of events that invokes Meursault to shoot a friend, he is imprisoned and his eventual death. With regard to all that Meursault does and does not do convicts the reader to call him an anti-hero. This paper seeks to discuss the anti-hero theme in The Stranger as written by Albert Camus. Death of Meursaults Mother Part one of the book describes Meursault as a person of indifferent towards emotion and interaction with others. When he receives the news of his mothers death he is not even carried away with emotions as one who has lost an important person in his life, (Bloom 20). In addition he only focuses on the physical and practical details surrounding the death of his mother. He is also depicted by the author as one who loves weather and other beautiful sceneries. In relation to this, he does not feel anything; neither grief nor sadness during his mothers funeral procession, (Camus 70). He also beliefs that, the world is meaningless and purposeless; the feelings of an anti-hero person and therefore, Meursault fulfills the anti-hero theme. The unique character of Meursault to certain events compels the reader to claim that Meursault is an anti-hero. For instance, before the death of his mother Meursault was looking forward to spending the weekend with Marie. After getting the information that his mother is dead, he appears heartless, doesnt express any grief or even get concerned, in fact he goes for swimming in a public beach spending good time with Marie. He doesnt seam affected by the death of his mother, he does stand with solidarity for his mother a complete character of anti-hero person. Meursaults conversation with his boss and other co-workers with regard to the death of his mother is cleverly avoided by Meursault. Furthermore, he changes the subject after giving a very short response. As much as his work mates express concern about the death of Meursaults mother, Meursault himself is adamant and does feel anything he continues working as usual. Meursault has a different personality which completely contrasts that of a focused and a determined person, (Enotes 5). He displays traits of a failure in life throughout the book. Lust and Lack of emotions Albert portrays Meursault as someone who is lustrous and having no feelings or passion. When he goes swimming with Marie we are told that he was intensely aroused at any moment he sees her. Consequently, after swimming, they all hurry to Meursaults apartment, spend the night together till the next day, (McCarthy 40). When Marie asks him if he really loved her, he replied that it doesnt mean anything and therefore, he doesnt think so. With regard to this event, Marie perceived Meursault as her hero who could eventually marry her but it turned out that he was not. Meursault is a person who lacks any ambition to accomplish anything substantial in life. For instance, when he is offered a position in a new office to be opened by his boss in Paris, Meursault replies that it is all the same to him. In addition when Marie asks Meursault if he wants to merry her, he says that it doesnt make any deference meaning that he has no feelings for her, (Sagi 20). Meursault is a non performer and therefore, an anti-hero character. Meursault is also portrayed as one who cannot make a distinction between two conflicting situations; unable to decide. For instance when he is given a gun by Raymond he has no capacity to neither to shoot nor not shoo. He is unable to make out the difference that exists between the two alternatives. When he murdered an Arab does not affect him in any way, it is inevitable that Meursault doesnt know the order and meaning of life. His acts are irrational completely describing somebody who is unable to accomplish a meaningful act given that Meursaults killing of the Arab was an act out of no reason, (Schwerner 25). These are actions of an anti-hero person. Arrest and Execution Part two of The Stranger begins with the arresting of Meursault for killing the Arab. When the court appoints a lawyer to investigate about Meursault, he establishes that Meursault is insensitive. When he is also taken to the examining magistrate, the magistrate concluded that Meursault has a hardened and irrevocable soul. It was also established that Meursault never believed in God and he never knew what caused to act the way he acted. Heroes believe in God and have a clear self understanding, but with this man Meursault, everything is different. He is an anti-hero and doesnt understand what he does with his life, (Showalter 15). When Marie visits Meursault in jail, she encourages him to have hope because she believes he will be acquitted and that they will get married as soon as he is out of prison. On the other hand Meursault is interested in mournful prisoners sitting besides him. When Marie leaves, Meursault sends a letter to her informing her that the authorities will not allow her to visit Meursault anymore. This indicates that Meursault is hopeless and does not know the meaning of life which a recipe of all heroes who have ever lived. Meursault confinement and imprisonment does not incite any guilt or regret over his actions, he only focuses on hi practical and physical situation rather than the emotional elements. He longs for nature, ocean, sex, and cigarettes rather than his freedom. As a hero one should think of how to get out of the prison and not issues that cannot him get acquitted. It is only in prison that Meursault starts to know about himself as to how he can adjust and live in any environment, (Sparknotes 3). Heroic minds have a vision of what living conditions they need, and strives to achieve the perceived condition, Meursault is not one of them, he has an anti-heroic minds. During Meursaults trials he is surprised to see people parked in the courtroom. Furthermore he passively observed the judgments leveled against him. Without even thinking of how he might help himself out of the prison or to get acquitted, he begins to ponder the fact of his inevitable death. In fact, he concludes that there is difference between dying soon by being executed and dying decades later of a natural death. This kind of thinking is inclined to failures in life, somebody who dont have hope and therefore no meaning for him to live. He is not a hero and therefore he can not live to the fact that one day he can have a better life full of meaning and hope, (Warsh 27). Conclusion In conclusion, Camus managed to display the anti-hero them in the book The Stranger. Meursault specifically was used to display different situation in which human beings are unable to think rationally and make rational decisions. The behavior and characters attached to Meursault are evident enough that a person can deviate from the true line of life of being determined, hopeful and ready to confront any situation for him come out successful. It is true that we have people who completely lack emotions and feelings and this is so strange as human life is concerned hence The stranger.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Capital Punishment :: essays research papers

There are five basic reasons that society uses when imposing the â€Å"punishment† that I’ve been able to conclude from my readings. I will discuss these societal concepts and show that the death penalty does not serve to further them. Deterrence   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Deterrence is basically defined as â€Å"the punishment should fit the crime.† Under this concept, the individual committing the crime and society are prevented from committing this action again. In the case of the death penalty, an individual kills another human and he is â€Å"punished† for it by death. Punishment is supposed to be a temporary penalization for a wrongful action. Death is far from temporary. One is to learn from one’s mistakes. How can the person learn if they are paying for their mistakes with their life? By imposing the death penalty the individual does not learn from their mistakes and neither does society. Economy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Under this concept, punishment should be economical. There are specific costs associated with keeping an inmate on death row such as specially built prison blocks, the need for maximum security, and costing the courts much money through many, many appeals. These costs clearly out weigh the regualr costs incurred to house a regular inmate. Deterrence is clearly not served by imposing the death penalty. Restitution   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Society demands that the punishment should fix the harm it has done. By sentencing a person to death no harm has been fixed. You can not bring the murdered person back by taking the prisoner’s life. Punishment is not intended to revenge, offset, or compensate for the victims suffering or to be measured by it. Retribution The community demands that justice be served. Would justice not equally be served and in fact may be better served by life imprisonment? I believe tit would be a worse punishment to go through a life sentence in prison. The individual is deprived of liberty. He will then suffer and live the rest of his or her life within three lonely walls and a set of bars.

Cosquer Cave :: Place Descriptive Essays

Cosquer Cave In 1985, while scuba diving in Cape Morgiou, near Marseilles, France, Henri Cosquer discovered a narrow 175-meter, air-filled tunnel 37 meters below the sea (â€Å"The Cosquer Cave†). The tunnel, unbeknownst to him, lead to one of the world’s most treasured Paleolithic art-filled caves. During the Paleolithic age, Cosquer cave was much more accessible than it is today. Researchers say that at the times the art was created, the cave was probably only 11 kilometers from the coast and 80 meters above sea level (Jaobs). Since then, the giant glaciers of the period have melted and the Mediterranean Sea has risen, preserving this magnificent display of ancient art. Oblivious to the historical importance of his find, Cosquer kept the cave secret until a return visit in July of 1991 when he sighted what seemed to be a red, stenciled human hand painted on the side of the cave (Clottes 14). Excited by this discovery, Cosquer invited several fellow divers including Yann Gogan, Jean-Claude Cayol, Pascal Oriol, Cendrine Cosquer, and Thierry Pà ©lissier to further examine the cave with him (Clottes 14). The hand, as it turned out, was only the first of approximately 142 ancient paintings and engravings that appear on the walls and ceilings of Cosquer cave (â€Å"Accessing Cosquer Cave†). The cave consists of several narrow tunnels, some of which are less than one meter high, and two main chambers that are covered with calcite crystals (Clottes 48). Throughout the cave are finger grooves, which the artists were able to carve into the weather-softened stone walls (Clottes 59). After recording proof of the discovery, Henri Cosquer informed the French Ministry of Culture. They assigned Jean Clottes and Jean Courtin to study the cave for further research. In the last nine years scientists and archaeologists have performed approximately two dozen radiocarbon datings (Jaobs). This makes Cosquer the most extensively dated cave in the world (â€Å"Accessing Cosquer Cave†). Through these thorough studies, researchers have discovered that the images were created during two separate phases. The first phase dates around –27,000, and includes the handprints and some geometric designs that were found (Duckeck). After that, there is an 8000 year gap in which no one seems to have used the cave (Jaobs). The second phase is between -19,000 and –18,000. It was in this phase that the animal images were created (Duckeck). Of the images depicted in the cave, over two-thirds are engraved and most are of horses (Duckeck).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Philosophy Of Composition Essay -- essays research papers fc

Poe’s Composition of the Raven   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edgar Allen Poe describes in great detail, his poem â€Å"The Raven†, in The Philosophy of Composition. Never before had I been able to read a poet describe in his own philosophy of making a poem. Poe goes in deep context and meaning to how he derives the story line to his poem. He explains what significance the raven plays in the poem and the beauty of his intent in the poem. Poe, first thought of an impression or effect he would like to suppress upon the reader. In this case, he chose beauty as the sole intent of his poem. Second he wanted to find a tone, which would express his view of beauty throughout the poem. His choice of tone was sadness because he believed beauty â€Å"excites the sensitive soul to tears† (1575). He also wanted...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Jose Rizal Essay

Many of us know already who Dr. Jose Rizal is. A national hero, a genius, a writer, a scientist and a doctor, these are the first thing that comes to our mind. He is a man with many accomplishments. All his writings and works are still recognized in the whole world. Through reading this paper, you could find out how his life has gone to many challenges and what contribution he left in our country. As a Filipino, we are proud because Dr. Jose Rizal gives all of us inspiration in all the things we do. This term paper will illustrate what his many-sided personalities are, as a physician, poet, novelist, essayist, dramatist, historian, sculptor, architect, musician, linguist, bibliophile, translator, educator, economist, surveyor, engineer, naturalist, archeologist, philologist, inventor, sportsman, magician and prophet. We can say that he is an excellent, talented, and yet a very humble man. He truly was a man of action, he did not only looked over the people nor just tell people what to do, he helped them in their everyday work. Dr. Jose Rizal is our hero, our inspiration, our lesson of the past that we should be a man for our country. The main purpose of this paper is to know about the heroism of Dr. Jose Rizal and present his life, works, and writing in an interesting manner. We’ll find out who are the nine women linked to him and what are the challenges he encounter while he was in exile in Dapitan.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Tourism Impacts Of Resort Operations In Talisay, Batangas

In this tropical country, resort is one of the most leading establishments preferred by the emerging number of tourists in the Philippines for it offers a pleasant environment and ambiance that is conducive to comfort and healthful relaxation and rest. It is a very convenient destination for the tourists since it also provides food and dining, reception, accommodation, lodging, business facilities and other services. It is almost an all-in-one destination that can suffice the need and wants of the tourists. Stress and pressure that was brought by the monotony of everyday life have become a great factor in the trend of the tourism industry and they both laid the foundation for so many establishment and recreational facilities for the tourists’ enjoyment and sensual experience.In Region 4-A, particularly in Batangas, many resorts are already established and known. This province is recently emerging as one of the top providers of class resorts. Talisay, bounded on the north by Ta gaytay City, Laurel on the west, Tanauan on the east, and Taal Lake on the south is one great contributor to the tourism of the province. Of all the caldera towns, Talisay is the most direct access from Manila to the Volcano Island via Santa Rosa – Tagaytay. A slightly longer route, but equally good road condition, is via South Expressway – Tanauan.Tourism has been considered by Talisay as their economic focus. The natural attributes of the town as well as the very limited availability of land for  other economic ventures such as agriculture and other land based activities influence the focus of economic activity for the town. The advantage of tourism as a conceivable direction for the town lies in its natural beauty, engaging landform and favorable climate. Comparable developments have been proven that tourism thrives primarily because of varied activities and interesting culture with natural endowments serving as the initial lure.Because these elements are present in Talisay, it would be in a favorable position to explore its possibilities. It has recently reinvented itself into a resort town, making use of the outstanding view and access that they have to Taal Lake and Taal Volcano. The said lake and volcano is one of the major tourist destinations in the country that is why many investors have been interested to venture into operating resorts within the municipality of Talisay.As the arrival of international and domestic tourists in the area grows, number of resorts in Talisay also increased. Rise of the tourists’ need for satisfaction and quality made competitions among these resorts become tighter. Because of the tourists’ preference in choosing a resort, many resorts raised their own standards and different themes have been made. Such actions and innovations must be clearly monitored as well as its impacts to the tourism industry of Talisay, Batangas. Sustainability of the resorts and its operations must also be given adequ ate attention. Problems rising from these operations must be significantly studied and essential research must be done to arrive at possible solutions and feasible recommendations.Conceptual FrameworkThis study aimed to delve the tourism impacts of the resort operations in Talisay, Batangas. This was based on the data gathered from the resorts in Talisay as well as information congregated from the local government of the said municipality.Figure 1 A schematic diagram showing the relationship of the research variables.The paradigm shows the factors that must be thoroughly researched and studied to achieve the understanding of tourism impacts of resort operations in Talisay, Batangas.Statement of the ProblemThe primary purpose of this study is to state the tourism impacts of resort operations in Talisay, Batangas. Specifically, this research study will answer the following questions: 1.) What are the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 years of residency 1.2 family income? 2.) What are the benefits of the community of Talisay from resort operations in terms of: 2.1 employment opportunities 2.2 infrastructure development 2.3 safety and security 2.4 recreation opportunities 2.5 environmental protection? 3.) What are the corporate social responsibilities of all resort owners to help sustain a healthy environment for the residents? 4.) Is there a significant difference on the benefits of the community of Talisay from resort operations when grouped according to their profile? HypothesisAfter conducting surveys, interviews and research, the proponents of the study realized that the resort operations in Talisay, Batangas do not have an impact on the tourism of the said municipality.Scope and LimitationThe study is limited only to the population of Talisay, Batangas. The information that will be needed for the research will be acquired through the local government of the municipality and from the resorts that are operating in the area. The proponents will conduc t an interview to the resort owners or operators as well as to the residents in the local community. The data that will be gathered through these sources will serve as the basis of this study.The study covers the marketing, management, financial, social, economic and  environmental aspects. The study will help the researchers respond accurately and appropriately in the burdens the resort owners should face in the future. It intends to provide information regarding the tourism impacts and how the resort operations will be sustained through time. It will also provide additional knowledge to the Talisay’s local government in developing the sustainable tourism in their locality.Significance of the StudyThis study was significant in understanding the tourism impact of resort operations in Talisay, Batangas. Furthermore, it will be beneficial to the following:Academe; With the aid of results that can obtain in this study, different techniques and strategies can develop in underst anding tourism impact of resort owners and its sustainability, particularly in Talisay, Batangas.Resort owners; The results that will be taken in this study can provide resort owners information and assistance in case they are in the same line of industry.Tourists; The contents of the study will give every tourist insights and knowledge about Talisay as tourist destination.Local government; The accomplishment of the study will endow supplementary information that can contribute in the improvement of their locality.Lastly, to Future researchers; This study will provide useful information that can be used as a basis to their would-be researches particularly those that will focus on topics related to sustainability of tourism industry.Definition of TermsFor the meaningful interpretation of this research study, the following terms were defined operationally and conceptually with basis from authorized sources. Resort. It is one of the most leading establishments preferred by the emerging number of tourists in the Philippines for it offers a pleasant environment and ambiance that is conducive to comfort and healthful relaxation and rest. Tourism. This comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not  more than that one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes. Tourism Impact. It is the effect of tourist destinations, including resorts, to the community where tourism occurs.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Film Analysis-Spartacus, Full Metal Jacket

Having viewed in class five of Stanley Kubrick's films and a documentary about him, a decent understanding of Kubrick's process and vision is learnt; the two films Spartacus and Full Metal Jacket were the most inspirational and significan films of the bunch. Spartacus is about a rebellious (slave of the same name) purchased by Lentulus Batiatus, owner of a school for gladiators. For the entertainment of corrupt Roman senator Marcus Licinius Crassus, Batiatus' gladiators fight to the death.On the night before the event, the enslaved are â€Å"treated† with female companionship. Spartacus refuses to engage with Varinia, a slave from Brittania, and they form a sturdy relationship. When Spartacus later learns that Varinia has been sold to Crassus, along with the murders of his brothers (the slaves forced to fight), this ignites a burning desire inside him, a yearning to seek freedom. He leads fellow gladiators in revolt, and they flee out of Italy collecting money as they go, in o rder to buy sea transportation from the pirates of Cilicia.They are united by additional runaways, which transform the rogue slaves into a colossal army; escaping to join his cause is Varinia, who has fallen in love with Spartacus, and Antoninus. Crassus bribes the pirates to abandon Spartacus and pushes them toward Rome, were panic that Spartacus means to attack the city, causes the Senate to give Crassus absolute power. In the battle, most of the slave army is killed by Crassus' forces. Afterward, when the Romans try to locate Spartacus, every surviving man shields him by shouting â€Å"I'm Spartacus! Varinia and her new son are held prisoner by Crassus who forces Spartacus to fight Antoninus to the death, the survivor is to be crucified, along with all the other men captured after the battle. Spartacus wins the match and is crucified, this leaves Spartacus with the potential to become a martyr. Batiatus rescues Spartacus' family from Crassus and carries them away to freedom. Var inia is able to comfort him in his dying moments by showing him his little son, who will grow up without ever having been a slave. The movie was created to depict the brutal and unforgiving Roman Empire and the hardships the average slave could endure every day.It also shows anti slavery propaganda and the story not only of one’s man’s quest to revolt against his oppressors and to rise up from a state of disempowerment, but more importantly it is a story which offers hope and strength to mankind. The act of sacrifice is a dominant theme in the film and is essential to the idea of Spartacus’ character. Sacrifice is first seen before the revolt when the Draba, after defeating Spartacus in battle, refuses to kill Spartacus and instead sacrifices himself by attempting to attack Crassus. It this act inspires Spartacusand his actions for the rest of the film.Spartacus also proclaims during the film that everything he has done will be a success if his son can be born f ree, regardless of whether Spartacus is killed or not. In the final act of sacrifice Spartacus is crucified, sharing similarities with Jesus and his sacrifice for all mankind. Associated with sacrifice is the fight for freedom. Sacrifice is knowing that there might be a point were things must be used for the greater good and dying is a possibility, while fighting for freedom is having the courage to stand up for beliefs, never backing down and starting the movement to end oppression.This is shown when Spartacus is crucified, becoming a martyr and thus creating his legend. The path to freedom is the one goal that all the slaves had in common the thing that kept them united and strong. It gave them the strentgh to continue their journey and put everything on the line, with hope for the future as the backbone of their fighting spirit. This is put in the film to show the power that one man can create when uniting people under a common goal. In our society freedom is everything, without it we would all be the same, with no individuality or passion, not truly being alive.This helps the audience relate to the slaves and form a connection with them as they too would be quite upset if they were in the same coditions. The film takes a strong look at political lobbying and the corruption of goverment. In our society many feel as if the goverment tries to control and limit their freedoms, while the poloticians are greedy and many don't come through on the promises they make. They are seen as untrustworthy and unhelpful causeing many to try to take actions into their own hands. The film shows how people of political status abused their power and used any means to achieve their goals.This is shown constantly throught out the film, one example is how Crassus and his rival Gracchus fight over control of the Roman army when the Roman Senate sees Spartacus and crew as a threat. Gracchus own protege, a young Julius Caesar goes over to Crassus, when Gracchus reveals that he has b ribed the Cilicians to get Spartacus out of Italy and rid Rome of the slave army. Kubrick wanted to show modern people how Rome's republic and upperclasses were much more cutthroat and savage than our own, but at the same time not that dissimilar to the average modern poloticians in today's world.Some people may view Spartacus and frown upon the savage slavery and brutality of the ancient world, but the fight for freedom from oppression and the common man rising to greatness through bravery is something that will forever be remember and celebrated by all cultures. The second film Full Metal Jacket begins by following a platoon of Marine Corps recruits, focusing on the relationship between Sergeant Hartman and Privates Pyle and Joker. The second chapter continues with Joker, and how he joined the Corps to become a killer, but is mostly behind the scenes, as a combat correspondent.This is interupted when the Tet offensive puts him in real combat and tests him on his real worth as a so ilder, and if he really is a killer. Full Metal Jacket demonstrates the psychological break down of the soilders, as seen with the transformation of the character Pvt. Pyle. He comes to the Marine Corps as a naive, harmless young man who is guided by the belief that he is serving his country. Due to his failings of performing the tasks presented to him, he is constantly verbally and physically insulted by the drill instructor, Sgt.Hartman. Along with the torment from his drill instructor Pyle recieves additional abuse from his fellow recrits, beauase of the punishments they recieve due to his failures. In retaliation, the platoon hazes Pyle with a blanket party, restraining him to his bunk and beating him with bars of soap wrapped in towels. Joker, the Pvt. Squad leader, seeks to help Pyle, but as Pyle starts to become more productive, Joker recognizes signs of mental breakdown in Pyle, such as him talking to his M14 rifle.The internal struggle in the mind, is a characteristic of ev ery human being, one that all can relate to. Humans all contain that good verses evil, that little devil on the left shoulder and the angle on the right. Kubrick uses this to make the audience sympathetic towards Pyle, but also for them to really think about what the story is trying to show and how this also plays a role in their lives. Private Joker had on his helmet â€Å"Born to kill† but on his uniform he had a peace symbol.This was an incredible symbolic representation of the film because it was exactly what Kubrick was trying to establish in the audiences minds; the change in ones mind during war and the struggle that continues to take place during war between good and evil were represented between the born to kill on his helmet and the peace symbol on his chest. Joker can be seen as another victim of war, due to his being inthe back, when he finally kills someone, he achieves the thousand-yard stare, a limp, unfocused gaze of a battle-weary soldier.The film is successf ul in providing a perspective glance at the trials of a soldier. Like with most war movies, it relies heavely on powerful imagery; the film also adds the sense of â€Å"thereness† at boot camp, the sickening feeling from the sight of dead bodies, and the perspective from an enemy sniper. They force you to look at the world and don’t let you look away, or pretend, when things are gruesome, or violent, or terrible. Full Metal Jacket’ examines the morality of war and military existence.This was significant because it showed one how much the United States Military officials had to change ones mind set and character to be able to fight and kill men, women and children who were just defending their country in a country that no one was used to and that some did not even know was there. The audience leaves the film with Kubrick's selective snapshot of the Marine Corps and of Vietnam, hopefully with some sense of a soldier's reaction to it all.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Conformity and anarchy and through unusual language Essay

â€Å"Fight Club† by Chuck Palahniuk explores the theme of masculinity through clever characterisation, exploration of conformity and anarchy and through unusual language.  The traditional role of man was as the head of the family unit. Looking after and providing for his wife and children in the hunter-gatherer role. What if a man has no wife and children? What is his role? What if the man comes from a broken family where he had no father? How is he supposed to live a good male life if he has no good example to follow? These are some of the issues that Chuck Palahniuk confronts on the theme of masculinity in â€Å"Fight Club†. In this essay I will explore the author’s use of characterisation, conformity, anarchy and interesting and unusual language in support of this main theme. The characterisation of the main figure is executed particularly well. The characters of Joe and Tyler are cleverly interwoven throughout the novel until the reader’s realisation that they are both actually the same person. There are a lot of hints in the novel, which suggest this up until it is actually revealed. Several times the narrator, Joe, says,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I know this because Tyler knows this.†Ã‚  This could be taken as meaning that they are very close friends and tell each other everything or that they are both the same person. The author also refers to the idea of multiple personalities in, â€Å"If I could wake up in a different place, at a different time, could I wake up as a different person?†Ã‚  I think that this illustrates the concept that Joe is a chronic insomniac and changes personality in his sleep.  There are many similarities between Joe and Tyler up until we discover they are the same person. They both love Marla but only Tyler sleeps with her. This provides comic moments when we realise that all through the book Marla has been talking to Joe as her lover but Joe has been talking to her as his friend’s girlfriend. Both Joe and Tyler end up looking like each other, â€Å"Tyler and I were looking more and more like Identical Twins. Both of us had punched-out cheekbones, and our skin had lost its memory, and forgot where to slide back after we were hit.† Tyler starts off looking beautiful, an idyllic version of Joe, he is what Joe wishes he could be. This is indicated in  Ã¢â‚¬Å"perfectly handsome and an angel in his everything-blond way.† He is smart, funny, and knows all of the interesting facts that Joe wishes he knew, like how to break security locks and make C4 explosives. Joe, after discovering how boring his life is asks,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Deliver me Tyler from being perfect and complete†,  In my opinion Tyler starts as an angelic, saviour figure and turns into an evil alter ego once Joe finds out the truth. The key â€Å"Fight Club† theme of masculinity is explored by examining the notions of, conformity and Anarchy. The theme of conformity and non-conformity is examined by the contrast between Joe’s boss and Tyler. Joe’s boss who wears a different tie for each day of the week plays the stereotypical male role. He contrasts directly with Tyler who squats in a house in the warehouse district, urinates in tomato soup at a hotel and splices single frames of pornography into family movies. He is the ultimate non-conformist. This is the exact opposite of  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Mister Boss with his midlife spread and family photo on his desk and his dreams about early retirement and winters spent at a trailer-park hookup in some Arizona desert.† I believe this represents the American Dream and conformity contrasted against Tyler’s vision of anarchy and chaos in a non-conformist nightmare. The language choice in this seems dismissive of the boss’ dream. â€Å"Some† suggests that the dream is irrelevant. The boss also represents Joe’s idea of his father. Joe believes that  Ã¢â‚¬Å"If you’re male, and you’re Christian and living in America, your father is your model for god. And sometimes you find your father in your career.†

Friday, September 13, 2019

OBESITY Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

OBESITY - Thesis Proposal Example The control group could be selected from the same sample of students who engage in active sports. The weight gain for both group of students is monitored for a specific period of time to establish the relationship between inactivity and obesity] 3. Does obesity play a major role in increasing the cost of healthcare in the United States?[Provisional answer: Yes, the cost of treating obese people in the country is raising] 4. Should the government enforce strict dietary and exercise regimen in schools to control incidents of obesity? [Provisional answer: Yes. Compulsory physical exercises and regulated diet should be imposed on all school-going children.] Thesis The government should enforce strict physical education program and dietary restriction in all schools to control the prevalence of obesity in the society. Nutritionists and researchers attribute poor dietary habits and lack of exercises as the major causes of obesity in the society (Bernard, 2007). These detrimental habits dev elop in the early stages of child development especially in schools.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Reducing the Age of Drinking to 18 Years in the U.S Research Paper

Reducing the Age of Drinking to 18 Years in the U.S - Research Paper Example It also suggests that a small percentage of drinkers consumes most of the alcohol. This small percentage often consumes several drinks at once increasing the risk of serious health and safety problems. When compared to the data representing underage drinkers the following conclusions were made, the proportion of young drinkers who report heavy drinking is higher than for adults the image being 43 percent for adults and 50 percent for young drinkers (U.S. Department of justice 1,2). The reason behind federal law regulating the age for alcohol consumption was due to the rise in highway fatalities. The uniform drinking age act of 1984 threatened to withdraw highway funds from the state that failed to increase the minimum legal drinking age to 21. This law saved lives this was due to the decline in motor vehicle fatalities (Miron and Tetellbaum 10). Economically speaking in order to consider the minimum age of drinking an estimation of the loss in consumer surplus that results from reduc ing people’s alcohol consumption is put into consideration. It also requires the benefits to the drinker and to others from reducing alcohol related harms. Lowering of the drinking age in U.S. to 18 has been a primary effort for most activists the argument being 18 is the age agreed upon by most states. Again, 18 is the age of the majority for other activities such as voting military service serving on the jury. These facts make 18 a focal point when we compare U.S. to other countries who have set their age at 18 (Carpenter and Dobkin 135). The age set by U.S. is the highest in the world, majority of the rest of the world have the minimum age at 17 or 16 others have no minimum age. Many supporters of the minimum age argue that the human brain develops until the age of 21. However, many experts are keen on dismissing this point saying it would mean that only the U.S hold on to this idea. The current federal age as argued by most critics seemed to have reduced the total underag e consumption. However, they argue that underage persons who consumed alcohol are more likely to do so behind closed doors. The danger would be their overindulgence in alcohol consumption as soon as the get access to the stuff. Mitchell who is a supporter of the reducing of the minimum age to 18 argues that the reduction in highway fatalities is due to safer and better-built cars and the increased awareness of the dangers in drinking and driving. Mitchell points out that delaying of young adults exposure to alcohol is not a bright idea (310). Most college students support the idea of lowering the drinking age to 1. According to the daily sundial, some of the reports quoted illustrates that most young people found it ok for young people to enjoy themselves after a long week of studying and working. Others argued that 18 was the focal point age whereby things opened up it are the age that one acquired multiple obligations. Others argued from a health perspective saying, alcohol is hea lthy when consumed in moderation it reduces the risk of heart diseases to lowering the likelihood of gallstones. The argument is taken further by comparing other countries such as china France Italy and Spain whose minimum legal drinking age is 18. The youth in these countries are allowed to consume alcohol; however, they are taught to drink in moderation. The youth state that the current law is unreasonable and ineffective in that young people always have

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Hypothetical Research Designs Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hypothetical Designs - Research Paper Example The researcher states that in a research study, a good hypothesis is considered to have such opportunities, which will help to uncover new ideas or knowledge for the researcher. If the researcher does not learn something new by the hypothesis developed with the help of research questions, then it would be futile. There are three types of research design; they are qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. The quantitative and qualitative designs are not the extreme opposite form of research designs; rather they represent different areas of research. The mixed research method is the combination of both the methods, so it balances both. The general difference between qualitative and quantitative hypothesis is that the qualitative hypothesis includes closed-ended questions and quantitative hypothesis includes the use of numbers. The qualitative hypothesis includes exploring the social and human behavior in relation to the problem areas. The quantitative research method deals with test ing the problems by analyzing the numbers, statistics or financial reports. It is logical and can help the researcher to prove his/ her results logically. The mixed method combines the philosophical assumptions as well as the facts and figures. There are two components that can be involved while developing a research design that is the philosophical assumptions and the distinct procedure. The philosophical assumptions include the worldwide study that has been conducted on the problems or topic and the distinct procedure involves the type of hypothesis used to develop the research design.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Concerted practice is the most nebulous of the three categories caught Essay

Concerted practice is the most nebulous of the three categories caught by Article 101 TFEU - Essay Example 2 With regard to paragraph three and exceptions to the prohibitions in paragraph one of Article 101, those relate to what the law determines as contributing to society either through economic development, technical development, and improvements in the way goods are produced or distributed 3 Under the law, moreover, the European Commission has the power to impose the law, to investigate infringements relating to the violation of the prohibitions in Article 101, and to impose penalties and sanctions. 4 To this end, the Commission may compel suspected parties to share information. 5 There is some consensus that it is difficult to pin down the existence of concerted practice, as reflected in case law. 6 For instance, in cases where increases in prices occur in tandem among a group of players, the price increases themselves may not be sufficient to prove concerted practice. In some cases, for instance, as in Case c-47/09 involving the Netherlands T-Mobile business entity, just one meeting among parties was deemed sufficient to establish concerted practice. In 40/73 involving Sulike Unie, the ruling was that concerted practice may be direct or it may be indirect too, and that no written or verbal communication is necessary to establish concerted practice. In the first instance of consideration of concerted practice in case law, or Case 48/69 involving firms operating in a market that is oligopolistic in nature, the Court of Justice ruled that the presence of parallel price increases amounted to the existence of concerted practice, even if the parties to the case m ade a formal challenge to that ruling. This case involved Imperial Chemical Industries, in the industry involved in dyes. In this instance the Court of Justice established a definition of concerted practice as thus: â€Å"†¦a form of coordination between undertakings which, without having reached the stage where an agreement properly so-called

Monday, September 9, 2019

Business Cycle Properties and Marco Forecasting of the Australian Essay

Business Cycle Properties and Marco Forecasting of the Australian Economy - Essay Example Unemployment is a countercyclical variable but may also perform as a leading indicator of GDP. The prospects for Australia are encouraging. The country’s economy has sustained one of the longest, most progressive runs in the world as cited by the IMF, and despite the recent slump in housing prices, a slight rise in exports and relative weakness in the Australian dollar, the prospects appear encouraging for the country as its macroeconomic variables show stability even through the global economic crisis. Although interest rates had risen somewhat in the past, the government intends to continue lowering interest rates to encourage consumption spending, which according to this study will likely spur continued economic expansion. Introduction The health of the economy of any country is dependent upon the insightful and timely application of the appropriate economic policies by the governing authority. However, deciding on which policy to adopt and the manner in which it should be implemented are not easily discernible by mere intuition. Reliance on the measurement of certain macroeconomic variables is crucial to forecasting the possible directions the economy may take, whether the implemented policies are helpful in propelling the economy towards the desired goal, or whether they are detrimental to the economic welfare of the nation. This report provides a cursory examination of Australia’s macroeconomic variables and their behaviour, with the aim of determining their usefulness in providing insight into the future directions of the Australian economy, as well as their effectiveness as tools in discerning the appropriate economic policy to be adopted to ensure progress. Ten variables are specified consisting of productivity, investment, expenditure, and nominal variables, so as to determine their relationship to GDP as the measure of economic health and viability. During the course of the correlational studies, the nominal variables including broad mo ney supply, inflation, long-term and short-term interest rates, and currency exchange rates, were tested and found uncorrelated with GDP. As a modification of the original study by Fisher, Otto and Voss (1996), this study further sought to correlate the four aforementioned monetary variables with M3 in an attempt to determine whether or not they exerted any influence upon each other. It will be noted that interest rates and currency exchange rates were tools of monetary policy, while inflation rate is a vital price indicator, all of which are related in theory to money supply. The supporting graphs showing superimposed correlated variables are shown in the Appendices A to J, for both the quarter-to-quarter growth rates as well as the quarterly year-on-year (YOY) growth rates. Macroeconomic variables, their cyclicality and indicator properties Several macroeconomic and monetary variables exhibit cyclicalities as a result of their being correlated with the output. The following table shows the resulting correlational coefficients of each of the variables with their respective output. The first set of variables consists of monetary variables which are the subject of monetary policy employed by the government to control the money supply in the market, which in turn determines the inflation rate. Too much money chasing too few products usually results in accelerated

Mathematics Project Based & Game Based Learning vs. Traditional Dissertation

Mathematics Project Based & Game Based Learning vs. Traditional Repetition Learning - Dissertation Example Bouris, Creel and Storz (2004) state that the game based approach is an innovative approach of teaching Mathematics. It involves the use of games and technology. The method entails both simple tasks and difficult tasks, which are done individually or in groups. Traditionally, people learned mathematics through memorization of mathematical concepts as teachers demonstrated procedures in class. After the lesson, a teacher would give students homework based on the concept covered in class. This mode of learning advocates memorization of Mathematical concepts by the students (Bouris, Creel and Storz, 2004). Certainly, math skills required for students to function effectively in the 20th century are completely different than present skills requirement, hence the need to change the way mathematics as a subject is taught. Presently, there is an ongoing debate as to the best way to effectively teach mathematics and whether the traditional method is still effective. The present study will see k to compare Project- Based Learning (PBL) and Game-Based Learning (GBL) with the Traditional Repetitive Learning (TRL) to determine the most effective method of teaching mathematics. Significance of the Study Following increased pressure by the United States Department of Education, as well as the state of Tennessee Department of Education on mathematics teachers to enhance students’ mastery of mathematics as a key subject; teachers are increasingly adjusting their teaching methods to help improve students understanding of the subject. However, to some mathematics educators, the focus of academic achievement never goes beyond classroom and quizzes given to students. This notion has created an environment that continues to bar students from appreciating the applicability of mathematics to real-world problems (Afari et al., 2013). Even though continuous research has been done on teaching mathematics, little has been done on the effective methods of teaching the subject. Previo us researchers have tried to prove and provide evidence that mathematics is a critical subject for societal development while others sought to establish students’ performance in this subject. For instance, in 2012, the US Department of Education found that 8th grade students from the US were ranked 24th out of 29 countries in mathematics literacy. This was a clear indication that there was a big problem in the way mathematics as a subject was taught. Compared with other students from countries where PBL and GBL teaching methods had already been implemented, the US students’ scores were found to be low. Such low test scores and considering the impact of using different approaches when teaching mathematics, led to this study that seeks to establish the effectiveness of PBL, GBL and TRL approaches of teaching mathematics. This study will be conducted at Pine Elementary School which has a total population of 747 students. Departing from other previous researches that sough t to compare performance in mathematics relative to other subjects, this study will focus on effective teaching approaches that can enhance students’

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Limits of Freedom Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Limits of Freedom - Term Paper Example From the independence of America to the beginning of the New World, White males had superiority and complete freedom as compared to the women, African Americans and American Indian. The religious groups did not enjoy freedom as well. Freedom of Women: In the colonial era, the treatment and behaviour with women varied with colonies and tribes, with the variation in the ethnicity of the tribe. The Puritan settlers from England did not allow the women to work with the men in the fields as they were very religious and believed that the women should look after their men and bring up children who feared God. The German women however could be seen working in the fields along with the men and in the stables as well. The English women did not own their own clothes and had no right to write their wills regarding the things they possessed. On the contrary, German and Dutch women had their own clothes and also had the freedom to make their wills. ... i Single women could vote up to 1807 according to the New Jersey state constitutions but married women could not. ii Freedom of African Americans The African Americans were brought into the country as slaves. They were treated very poorly and had no rights. While being transported on slave ships, these slaves were forced to leave their families and chained below the deck of the ship. Their living conditions were unhygienic and they suffered from severe malnutrition which resulted in an increase in the prevalence of diseases at an alarming rate. They were punished harshly. They first arrived in America in 1619 as servants sold to Englishmen. Killing a slave however was still a crime and some whites were even hanged as a punishment. The owners treated them no better than livestock. iii The African American children were not allowed to study in schools so they made schools for themselves within the community where the children could get educated. White males, either naive or immigrant w ere preferred to be hired by companies rather than the African Americans. During the Civil War, President Lincoln promised the slaves in the Southern states freedom from their slavery if the Union won the war.iv By February 1865, about 200,000 slaves were freed. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 the African Americans were declared as Americans and two years later the African Americans were granted citizenship of America. Freedom of American Indians American Indians are the indigenous natives of the continental United States, Hawaii and Alaska. Difference in culture between the Native Americans and immigrants from Europe and Africa, the constantly changing alliance of different people has been a source of quarrel between the New World and Old World societies. They were

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The TJX company Essay Example for Free

The TJX company Essay The company used Wired Equivalent Privacy encryption system to handle their client’s credit and debit card information. This system was very easy for any hacker to gain access to people’s information. It was completely out of date and did not encrypt anything within the company, which made it more vulnerable. They did not install firewall security correctly. TJX had purchased many other security programs that were not properly installed. They kept customer’s information in their system longer than what is required by law. TJX could have switched to WiFi Protected Access (WPA) to encrypt their client’s personal data information, but failed to do so. This system is much more sophisticated that the previous system and it encrypted everyone’s information, because it was more complex. Firewalls should have been installed correctly because it could have been prevented and would have saved the company the embarrassment of knowing that their system was not safe. This data should have been protected when transferring information over a wireless connection. The business effect of TJX’s data loss will cost them significantly. Because of their incompetence of not installing the proper software needed to ensure customer’s information, this will cost them $202 million to deal with the theft and the lawsuits brought on. They agreed to strengthen their system security and agreed to have third-party auditors to check their security features every 2 years, for the next 20 years. There was research conducted by a company called Forrester Research, which estimated that their business would cost them $1 billion for the next five years. This finding was based on the cost of additional marketing, security upgrades, consultants, and attorney fees. The moral dimension that may be applied is the fact that they need to ensure that the customer’s information is secure and encrypted. The next thing for the company is to take full responsibility for the data loss when they could have taken the simple measures of doing so.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Skills practice Essay Example for Free

Skills practice Essay There are many safety aspects that need to be considered when designing a training programme. A warm up is very important as it increases the blood flow, stimulates the level of activity and decreases the risk of injury and also may well help one concentrate better on the activity being performed. It also helps to prepare the body for the physical exercise that should follow it. It gently raises the pulse rate, which in turn prepares the heart for more strenuous activity. More oxygen and other fuels are transported to the muscles by the body. In a warm up there should be three phases; a pulse raiser, stretching and a skills practice. A cool down must also be preformed at the end of the session as this allows the body to recover by starting to remove the build up of lactate, and by stretching it allows the muscle fibres return to their initial condition. This helps return the body to its normal state in the quickest time possible. The blood flow will be kept high, waste products are washed out and the temperature slowly returns to normal. The equipment should always be checked before a match as if anything is not working properly or broken it could result in serious injury. This could be done by checking the bats for splits in them, using the correct rounders ball and making sure the posts are securely in position and that they cannot fall or cause an injury to a player.  The clothing should not be baggy or get in the way while playing, and if playing in warm weather light, airy clothes should be worn so as to prevent the player getting too hot and feeling faint. Jewellery should not be worn at all as this can get caught and cause damage or injury. Trainers must be worn as there will be running involved and so flat shoes will be needed. The playing surface should be on grass and should be firm. The pitch should be marked out with the course to run in a diamond shape. The posts and batting/bowling boxes should be clearly marked out.  The batting team must stand far back from the where the playing batter is standing as they could get hit either by the bat or if the ball goes behind. Also, players standing by a post must stand on the inside; otherwise it is obstruction, which could also cause injury by the batter running into the fielder. Throughout my training programme I managed to keep a high level of interest through each session, as each was very different, allowing me to try knew skills out each time. However, as I found chin-ups so hard, it made me dread doing that particular station, but at the same time more determined to do better. For each station and session I wanted to try and beat my own personal best, which made it a task and goal for me to reach, thus making it more interesting for me to complete. Planning of Monitoring  The exercises were in the correct order as no station followed another by using the same muscular groups. They were set in an order of using torso, arms, and legs and then repeated again. This made it easier to continue, and not too much strain was placed on a specific muscular group.  They were the correct choice as they tested my different abilities and helped improve my skills in diverse areas. This can help me while playing a rounders match, as the different skills needed would have been looked at and practised. I did not make any changes to my training programme during the course, although it would have been wise to have changed the chin-ups station in my fitness session as I did struggle with them. I was still able to do them, but I was unable to work flat-out for the whole required time. My heart rate was taken before I started, after the warm up and after every station. This helped me find out how hard I was working and whether over the course of the five weeks, I became fitter, resulting in a lower heart rate. My results show which stations I found easier and which I was best at performing. Final Evaluation  My post test score of the Illinois agility test was 20.37secs, but after my five week training programme, and having re-done the test, my time has improved to 19.18secs. It was an improvement of 1.19secs. Also, for my first abdominal curls test, I managed 82 sit-ups, but when I re-took it I was able to get up to 108, making an improvement of 26 sit-ups. This shows that my fitness level has increased form doing the five week training programme. My training programme was designed for one person during the fitness session and to work in pairs during the skills sessions. However, I had to work in a pair during the fitness session also as we had to time each other for each station. But this was not a problem as the rest gaps stayed constant, and it made it less complicated to do. All the equipment that was needed was available and there was not much setting up to do making it quick and easy to get on with. Overall, the programme was manageable and simple, as long as you are working in a pair. After completing the course, I find it a lot easier to complete each station with higher repetitions as my fitness level improved.  Although it was an exhausting and hard experience, I did enjoy it. I was able to increase my level of fitness, do a training programme that I designed and enjoyed and work with people that I got on with. This interaction did make it a lot more enjoyable. Out of the fitness stations, I enjoyed doing the sit-ups most, as I do these regularly and it is something I find easy and fun. However, I definitely liked the skills sessions best, as this put my rounders skills to the test and slowed me to play a part of a sport that I enjoy.  If I had to redo this in the future I would definitely change my chin-ups station in the fitness session as I found these hard and would probably have benefited a lot more with a different station.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Personal Pronouns in Academic Writing

Personal Pronouns in Academic Writing Introduction This paper review on the works of previous studies regarding the usage of personal pronouns in research articles (RA). The review will look at the usage of personal pronouns in written corpora in different aspects; first looking at the use of personal pronouns as a whole in the world of academic writing and the differences in usage of personal pronouns among the native speakers of English and of those who uses English as a second language. In recent study, there has been an interest in investigating voice-related issues in the study of student writing (Zhao Llosa, 2008). McCrostie (n.d.) claims on the lack of research done to investigate the use of voice in non-native academic writing and fewer still, had been done on the studies below advanced level. Gender has also been mentioned as an area of study that has slowly gained attention in the study of second language research. Though this had been said, gender receives lack attention in the study of discourse; though many have claim of its importance as a mean and goal of language instruction. Thus, based on the issues above, the objective of this study is to investigate the usage of personal pronouns by male and female Malaysian academic writers. According to Nordquist (2010), personal pronouns are defined as nouns that are used to substitute the person or people who are talked about. Literature Review Personal pronouns There has been extensive research on various features of academic writing and one of frequently looked at feature is the usage of personal pronouns in academic writing. Using personal pronouns in academic writing has been related to writers voice and the writers position in the academic world. Hyland (2001) states that the use of impersonality has been proposed by manuals and textbooks as means of demonstrating scholarly persuasion and allowing writers to speak to readers in an unmediated approach (as cited in Martin, n.d). The usage of personal pronouns in scientific writing sees a development from traditional notion towards recognition of this particular writing style. Martin further comments that writers choice is announcing their presence in the academic field is viewed as a strategy that is increasingly used by writers of the international English speaking community in promoting and gaining accreditation on their claims in research. This is also supported by Cherry (1998) claimi ng on the importance of self-representation in academic discourse and Groom (1993) in his analysis of academic writing indicates the importance of writers textual voice and states that writers should clearly state when they are reporting the voice of an author or stating their own expressions and personal point of views (as cited in Martin, n.d.) Kuo (1999) investigated the use of personal pronouns in scientific journal articles and discusses on how writers are able to reveal on their own perception of their position in the academic field as well as other readers. Kuo further comments on how knowledge presented in article journals with the use of personal pronouns poses a great value towards writers as it allows writers to share personal contributions and seek solidarity with readers as well as others involved in the particular discipline. Hyland (2001) as cited in Martin (n.d.) supports this notion in his research articles across eight different disciplines on the attributions of personal pronouns, reporting a high proportion in the usage of personal pronouns in social sciences and humanities. Hyland concluded in his study that the usage of personal pronouns in scientific texts seems to be a valuable rhetorical strategy which allows writers to construct academic credibility and gain a certain degree of confidence and authori ty (as cited in Martin, n.d.). Tang John (1999) in Martin (n.d.) also mentions the importance on the usage of personal pronouns however suggests that both teachers and students should be aware on the real presence of how personal pronouns are used differently and other alternatives that can be opted towards the traditional method in claiming academic position and authority. The Use of Personal Pronouns among Non-native Speakers Martinez (2005) states on how using personal pronouns are not problematic for native, yet may pose as one on non-native speakers of English. Hyland (2000) conducted a study and revealed that non-native speakers uses personal pronouns in non-controversial contributions however avoid them when stating expressions, argumentations or opinions (as cited in Martinez, 2005). In a study conducted by Petch-Tyson (1998 in Martinez, 20005), it was found that non-native speakers use personal pronouns at a rate of two to four times more than native speakers thus concluded that learners overused first and second personal pronouns in their writing. A different study done by Tang and John (1999) on 27 Singaporean university students showed the frequency of personal pronoun usage where first person pronoun occurred 92 times in all 27 essays which indicates a similar role to Hyland (1999, 2000) and Harwood (2005 as cited in Martinez, 2005). Chang and Swales (1999) had also published a study concerning the attitudes of 37 non-native speaker graduate students studying at English universities regarding the use of personal pronouns in academic writing. From the study, it was found that regardless of their proficiency in the language, the students felt uncomfortable in using personal pronouns in academic writing. These graduate students believe that the use of personal pronouns is much more suitable to be used by senior scholars and states that using them makes academic writing more challenging. It was also found that these students rarely uses personal pronouns when giving opinions or stating the origin of a new idea (Chang and Swales, 1999 as cited in McCrostie, n.d.). McCrostie further commented that regardless of amount of studies focused on published writings, few studies had been done on unpublished writing of non-native speakers thus suggesting that there is a need to have more studies to compare unpublished writings among both native and non-native speakers which can also contribute knowledge to the study. Gender and Personal Pronouns As mentioned previously, very few researches have been conducted in the area of discourse with gender functions as a variable. Past researches focused on linguistic differences between gender and its role in the studies related to informal writing, speech and electronic messaging (Yazdani Samar, 2010). Yazdani and Samar (2010) further stated that gender; as an effective tool in writing has not given much focus on its impact or role in the methodology of teaching writing thus, needs to cater to the arising issues academically. A study done by Yazdani and Samar (2010) on Iran writers revealed that female writers use more personal pronouns compared to males. A study conducted by Armagon et al. (n.d.) also revealed similar findings in their research. Methodology This study adopts a quantitative approach. 10 articles were randomly selected where there is equal distribution among gender (5 males and 5 females). The articles were selected from GEMA Online Journal (Jurnal Pendidikan), the Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MELTA) and The Open Applied Linguistics Journal. All research articles are from the Social Sciences field. The articles were then analyzed via Lex Tutor. The limitation to this study includes no control over the writers race; thus the variable is not used as a factor in the study. Secondly, the authorship of research articles varies where several articles are written by single writers and few collaborative writers in single articles. Third, the research articles vary in terms of length resulting in imbalanced amount of words and personal pronouns that could be affected by it. Finally, the approaches regarding to the research articles were not taken into consideration. Few research articles were found to have a qualitative appr oach thus relying heavily on interviews or written transcripts thus may affect the outcome of the study. Findings and Discussion The findings obtained from the analysis are presented as following: Research articles written by Malaysian males in frequency: Articles Personal Pronouns Singular Personal Pronouns Plural 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Male 1 (21) it (19) they (2) them Male 2 (13) I (1) me (5) you (44) he (16) him (2) her (3) us (31) we (16) they (6) them Male 3 (26) I (1) you (95) he (15) him (31) it (3) her (7) we (2) us (24) they (11) them Male 4 (4) I (3) she (1) he (1) her (1) him (13) they (11) them Male 5 (41) I (2) me (1) she (10) we (19) they (7) them Total 87 6 234 53 128 Total: Personal Pronouns Singular (327), Personal Pronouns Plural (181) According to the table above, it is found that Malaysian male writers uses more singular personal pronouns compared to plural personal pronouns. Based on results, it is also found that Malaysian academic male writers use more 3rd personal pronouns for both singular and plural categories however the highest frequency among personal pronouns used are 3rd singular personal pronouns with a frequency of 234. Among the personal pronouns used frequently by Malaysian male writers: He HE is very selective towards whom HE directs the venom. (male 2, 2002) In terms of average score, HE is the second highest (male 3, pg. 12) It and the enormous opportunity IT presents to higher education (male 1, pg. 4) engaged in a particular task and how IT will improve their reading skills. (male 3, pg. 2) Him done bad thing to HIM and this made HIM feel bad (male 2, pg. 10) this particular strategy to help HIM comprehend what he is reading. (male 3, pg. 13) They When these students enter university, THEY expect the spoon feeding (male 1, pg. 1) particularly when THEY proceed to tertiary education. (male 3, pg. 2) information elements did THEY instruct learners to find out (male 5, pg. 1) Them , thus prompting THEM to pay more attention to metacognitive reading (male 3, pg. 3) systems of the language that enables THEM to teach effectively. (male 4, pg. 1) Research articles written by Malaysian females in frequency: Articles Personal Pronouns Singular Personal Pronouns Plural 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Female 1 (1) he (1) she (3) we (10) they (1) them Female 2 (16) I (1) me (20) you (2) he (5) her (4) his (3) she (40) it (3) us (15) we (59) they (14) them Female 3 (2) I (10) they (6) them Female 4 (3) I* (2) we (24) they (15) them Female 5 (19) I (2) me (62) you (1) she (14) he (11) her (3) him (5) we (3) us (25) they (6) them Total 40 82 85 31 170 Total: Personal Pronouns Singular (207), Personal Pronouns Plural (201) Based on the table above, Malaysian female academic writers use more plural personal pronouns in writing their research articles. This finding is similar of their male counterparts. The findings also reveal that Malaysian female academic writers use more 3rd plural personal pronouns in academic writing unlike their male counterparts who uses a higher frequency of 3rd singular personal pronouns. Among the personal pronouns used frequently by Malaysian female writers: You What assumptions do YOU think administrators make about attire (female 2, pg. 6) If YOU have the main point (female 5, pg. 8) They real audience for the language task THEY were working on (female 2, pg. 1) THEY can be changed through the learning process such as by using (female 4, 2) THEY generally respond in predictable ways rather than be critical. (female 5, pg. 4) Them being presented with predetermined language structures and then practicing THEM. (female 2, pg. 2) It also requires THEM to state their name in order to enable (female 5, pg. 7) Usage total of Personal Pronouns by males and females Gender Male Female Personal Pronouns Singular 327 207 Personal Pronouns Plural 181 201 Total 508 408 Overall, the findings indicate that Malaysian male academic writers use more personal pronouns than Malaysian female academic writers. The findings obtained are not in line with previous research that was done by Yazdani and Samar (2010) in relation to non-native English speakers. Conclusion and Recommendations The findings had shed new insight on the use of personal pronouns between male and female Malaysian academic writers. In conclusion, there is no significant difference between the general use of personal pronouns among male and female writers. Both male and female writers were found to use more singular personal pronouns. However, there is a difference in terms of the personal pronouns used between male and female writers. Male writers were found to use higher frequency of 3rd singular personal pronouns whereas the female writers were found to use a higher frequency of 3rd plural personal pronouns. The findings have also revealed that male writers use more personal pronouns compared to female writers in the overall analysis. However, as mentioned previously, the findings of this study may be affected by factors listed in the limitation section as this study is based on a small scale range. Therefore, the findings obtained in this study are still questionable thus several recommendations are proposed for future researches interested in the same area of study which are (a) to focus on research articles under the same area of study and approach; (b) to consider the writers race as a variable and (c) to take into consideration of the length of research articles planning to be used in the study. List of Research Articles: Male Writers Subramaniam, G. (2006). Stickability in Online Autonomous Literature Learning Programmes: Strategies for Sustaining Learner Interest and Motivation. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research. (2). 80-96. Hazidi, H. A. H. (2002). Similar words, Different Meanings: A Natural Semantic Metalanguage Exploration of Cultural Differences. GEMA Online of Language Studies. (2)1. 1-13. Muhammad Kamarul, K., Chew, J., Abdul Rashid, M. (2006). Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Good Malaysian Chinese Learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research. (2). 21-41. Munir, S. (2009). Grammatical Awareness among Primary School English Language Teachers. GEMA Online of Language Studies. 9(1). 35-46. Lim, J. M. H. (2009). Rhetorical Categories and Linguistic Mechanisms in Describing Research Conditions: A Comparative Genre-Based Investigation into Researchers Choices in Education and Applied Linguistics. The Open Applied Linguistics Journal. 2. 67-85. List of Research Articles: Female Writers Ainol, M. Z. Noor Lide, A. K. (2006). Classical and Rasch Analyses Of Dichotomously Scored Reading Comprehension Test Items. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research. (2). 1-20. Mardziah, H. A. Tan, B. H. (2008). Wired Together: Collaborative Problem-Based Language Learning In an Online Forum. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research. (4). 54-71. Nor Shidrah, M. D., Nuraihan, M. D. Noor Lide, A. K. (2005). Second Language Writing Anxiety: Cause or Effect? Malaysian Journal of ELT Research. 1-19. Siti Norliana, G. (2008). Learner Background and their Attitudes towards Studying Literature. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research. (4). 1-17. Tan, K. E. (2006). Writing English Essays within Dominant Discourses in Malaysian Schools. GEMA Online of Language Studies. 21. 23-45.