Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ethical and Legal Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical and Legal Issues - Assignment Example It is also extremely costly for the employers (Mujtaba, 2003). It is ethically sound to monitor employee’s computer activity. Most of the research done has devoted most of its time in making technological advancements, which create an efficient workplace. These advancements have revolutionized the manner in which work is carried out and the way in which employees can enhance their productivity while at work. However, these advancements have opened new opportunities and avenues for employees to misbehave. The emerging technologies have resulted in the loss of privacy. Technology has made it possible for massive volumes of data to be accessed by businesses and their employees. Employers are concerned with the misuse of information by all stakeholders of the business. Therefore, there is a need for the business to incorporate ethics training and polices in areas where information technology is present (Mujtaba, 2003). Like the workplace telephones, workplace computers and connections to internet and email systems belong to the employer and not the employee. The company has the power to set standards for the use of the equipment in the company. This is because there is some harm that can occur if there are no clear set guidelines on how the equipment should be used. An employee can misuse the company computer systems (inadvertent or advertent). For instance, companies in a quiet period before the issuance of stock are not permitted to communicate certain forms of information. When an employee sends an email, he or she can easily infringe this prohibition and therefore, instigating a company violation of Securities and Exchange Commission rules. This is just one of the harm that can lead to serious problems for the company (Gilbert, 2012). For the jewelry company, human resource policies be formulated. This is because the policies are continuing guidelines on the approach in which the organization

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